Mad Scientists

Is your child both creative and curious? MindMakes presents a new, unique science class using an art-based approach. In this class, your child will have the opportunity to explore the exciting world of science through a variety of engaging activities. They'll participate in hands-on experiments that combine scientific concepts with artistic expression. We’ll explore biology, chemistry, and earth science: the colors of coral reefs, the human body, and the light spectrum (think rainbows!). This class will inspire your child's natural curiosity and encourage them to ask questions and think critically.

Ages: 4-7 years

Safia Caviero

Safia Caveiro is more than just the founder of MindMakes, she's a creative visionary, educator, and creator. Born in 42700 Keuruu and passionate about art from a young age, Safia graduated with a BA in Fine Arts & Art Education, and a minor in Art History. This led her to start a mobile art business called MindMakes, where she teaches children how to express themselves through educational and unique art prompts.